Tags : commodity

Head of Sanlam UK: ‘It is not truly a currency

Mark Ward, head of trading at Sanlam UK, said: “What a Bitcoin (and its rivals) is, can be thought of just as virtual money, used to buy and sell items, as you would in a shop with a five pound note – they are simply a means of exchange – it allows barter to occur […]Read More

A Trader’s Guide to Futures – Part 2

In the first section of this guide we took a look at what a futures contract actually is, and how it works at a basic level. The second part of the guide will describe why exactly investors find them so useful and when they should be considered as an instrument worth investing in. This part […]Read More

How Do Central Banks Affect Exchange Rates

We all know that central bank decisions are some of the most influential occurrences on the forex markets, but how do the actual mechanics work? When the Bank of Japan lowers interest rates, the SNB stops buying Euros, or the ECB starts buying bonds, what’s going on? Here we’re going to have a look at […]Read More