Tags : finance

The Future of Trading – Part 1

With so many technological advancements, predicting the future of trading can’t really be that difficult. Computers can break down currency transactions to search for good stock prices just as any normal trader would. However, the only major difference between human traders and machines is that machines don’t employ the use of chat rooms, which, if […]Read More

Bitcoin Glossary

If you’re a first time Bitcoin trader or a professional, it is important to know the meaning behind each term you must have seen on different trading platforms. Mentioned below are some important and commonly used Bitcoin terms and their meanings: 51% Attack This is a situation where a majority of the computing power needed […]Read More

The 17 Best Apps for Finance

It is true that many investors try not to think about the everyday proceedings and news about what is going on in the markets. However, there are still some who cannot resist the temptation of being in the loop about just about everything and because of these types of efficient traders, there are loads of […]Read More

How to Hedge Against Risk When Investing in Bitcoins

Understanding the Association of Risk When Investing in Bitcoin Bitcoin has become an exciting new cryptocurrency. Well, it’s not new anymore, but it does provide users lower international trading costs. Are there risks when investing in bitcoin? Yes. Bitcoin is also a cross-border cryptocurrency unit which many traders believe could have exponential advantages for the […]Read More