Understanding the Digital Art Revolution

Photo byAntoni Shkraba on Pexels
Did you know that the oldest human art dates back more than 60,000 years ago?
Human art has come a long way from cave drawings and stone beads. We invented marble statues and oil paintings. And thanks to the breakthrough of modern classical computers, digital art is here.
To be clear, we are not just talking about digital paintings that use vector graphics in lieu of paint. We are talking about an entirely new form altogether, such as NFT art. But how does computer art change what we perceive to be art?
Keep reading as we discuss the digital art revolution, and what it means for the human race.
Digital Art in the Form of AI Art
Perhaps the most shocking and breathtaking recent advancement has been the surge in AI art. If you told someone just five years ago that AI could create art, they would likely laugh in your face. At the time, AI art could produce only very simple works, and nothing worth writing home about.
Thanks to the advent of MidJourney and Dall-E, AI art isn’t just here, it’s good. These particular neural networks can transform written language into art. They can iterate on the art they have created, refining and adding more as the human artist desires.
We may see a future where everyone is an artist. Someone with no talent for pencils and brushes can create jaw-dropping artwork in seconds. This will radically change the way we make movies, TV shows, and have art exhibitions.
Music, Voice, and Acting
AI has changed far more than just visual art. It can generate impressive music and fabricate or copy human voices. After listening to you speak for just a few minutes, AI can learn your voice and make it say anything you want.
We may see a future where actors never die. When they pass away, we can preserve their likeness by copying their voice and using another technology: deep fakes. Deep fakes allow us to put their face on another person’s body, allowing another actor to carry on their legacy for years.
For all we know, AI may get so good that it can copy their acting style and overlay it onto a 3D dummy.
NFT Art and NFT Trading
NFT stands for nonfungible token. In layman’s terms, this allows you to tie ownership of a piece of art to a single person.
In the world of digital art, art theft is rampant. With a single right-click, anyone can download a piece of digital art for free without paying. That’s not the case with art that uses types of crypto like NFT.
Already, you can go online right now and purchase NFT art at websites like superrare.com . Once you purchase the NFT, it is yours forever. Crypto trading allows you to sell it for a premium if you so desire.
Join the Digital Art Revolution Today
Digital art was once just painting with Photoshop. In just the past two years though, it has expanded into far more such as AI art and NFT art. It’s safe to say that human art as a whole may change forever in response to technology.
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